Power Toys for Outlook

Introducing Power Toys for Outlook

Boost Outlook productivity with AUTO BCC.

PTO provides 5 features that Outlook could have done better.

Manage to receive Gmail Push Notification, to export contacts into .VCF and appointments, tasks.ICS files in a smarter fashion and finally auto BCC outgoing e-mails.
Download Power Toys for Outlook!

All 5 productivity tools have intuitive interfaces with clear descriptions.


1. GGNotify - Enable Outlook to receive push notification from Gmail and play a sound clip to notify you upon new mail arrival.

2. Auto BCC - Customize rules of From, To, Subject, Body, Attachment file name containing specified keyword(s) within outgoing mails and such mails will be forwarded to a list of e-mail addresses via BCC.

3. OCX - Export Outlook contacts as single VCF file per contact or single VCF file containing multiple contacts. Also export to Excel file for easy database import purpose.

4. OAX - Export Outlook calendar entries as single ICS file per appointment or single ICS file containing multiple appointments. Also export to Excel file for easy database import purpose.

5. OTX - Export Outlook task entries as single ICS file per task or single ICS file containing multiple tasks.

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