
On-Premise Mail Server
With an on-premise mail server, you have complete control over your company's messaging flow, including server scale, content filtering, file upload size, and internet speed.
Download EVO Mail Server
EVO is a user-friendly software application for all Windows platforms, offering a simple GUI with helpful pop-up tips. It supports both 32- and 64-bit operating systems. The straightforward display of parameters and settings makes it easy to use. Additionally, EVO Mail Server has a non-stop, self-recovering capability, making it ideal for mission-critical email tasks in a Windows environment.
Same Username But Different User
It is now possible to host different users with the same username in different domains. For example, [email protected] and [email protected] can now represent two distinct individuals.
Industrial email messaging standards of IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP streamline with Internet emailing community. Users get to choose their preference of IMAP, POP3 or both protocols. Yet, best of all, all these protocols are well implemented across all desktop and mobile solutions seamlessly.
Disk Quota
Disk quota can be defined for every individual e-mail account. If quota is exceeded, then users cannot send or send/receive e-mails that there will be an access-denied error in mail client software.
E-mail Auto-forward
Incoming or outgoing mails of every mail account can be configured separately to be auto-forwarded to a list of e-mail addresses. This feature saves user's time from configuring forward list across his/her mail client software or devices.
Within each mail account profile, it is possible to backup all incoming and outgoing mails as well as deleted mails. Backing up deleted mails is for security purposes.
Importing/Sync AD/LDAP Accounts and Authenticating
EVO enables administrators to import and synchronize e-mail accounts from AD or LDAP servers along with authenticating against user credential on-the-go. Since password is never stored on EVO Mail Server, if password is changed on AD or LDAP servers, then the user must enter the newly changed password.
More than just email messaging, open-standards of both CalDAV and CardDAV enhance users' productivity through team collabration. CardDAV and CalDAV services enable you to synchronize your address books, calendars and tasks wherever you go as well as sharing them with your colleagues. EVO provides separate passwords for read-only and read/write from user's own master password for security if contact, calendar and task information were to be shared with others.
EVO Collaborator for Outlook
EVO Collaborator for Outlook (ECO) enables you to synchronize your contacts, calendars and tasks with CardDAV and CalDAV services under Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. Not only services from on-premises server brands but synchronization with your iCloud, Gmail (real-time Google Calendar and Gmail push notification), fruux, AOL and many more is also made possible.
Download EVO Collaborator for Outlook
Mail Archive
EVO mail archiving engine keeps a copy of every incoming and outgoing email message in a centralized location. Mail backup operator or autditor, using IMAP, can retrieve all messages sorted either by date or by a hierarchical domain/department structure.
IMAP UID Optimization
EVO enables you to optimize IMAP UID of all mail messages for every mail account. Periodically compacting IMAP UID will dramtically speed up mail access time. The logic behind is similar to hard disk defragment.
Mail Migration
EVO Mail Migration tool acts like Symantec Ghost. It remembers mail flags, such as being marked as spammails. Yet, copying options give you more grips such as skipping mails larger than certain size, older than a date. It also reconnects to continue upon session disconnection.
Download EVO Mail Migration
EVO Collaborator Mobile Edition
This web-based toolset assists clients to manage user account settings, shared addressbook, file sharing across department/domains, user status/geo-location and additional features. It best serves in mobile devices such as iPhone, iPAD, Android and etc.
Download EVO Collaborator Mobile & WebMail quick installation pack
Standard Compliance
Every bit of EVO source code is written according to RFC standard with no compromise. Following RFC's rules like bible is like building the mail server on solid rock and benefit from smoothness of mail delivery.
Mail Clients
Interactively, EVO has thoroughly tested sending and receiving email messages using widely available and popular Windows and MAC desktop email software applications, such as Microsoft Outlook, iOS mail clients, Thunderbird, and Opera.
Power Toys for Outlook
Power Toys for Outlook (PTO) enables you to receive incoming mail notification from your Gmail account, to BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) outoing mails to a list of e-mail addresses and to export your Outlook contacts, calendar and task in industrial standard file formats for future import to other software applications.
Download Power Toys for Outlook
iPhone, Android, Windows Phone
Given an environment of digitally mobile life, EVO takes the advantage of IMAP, CardDAV and CalDAV that bestows a new definition of mobile collaboration over smartphones.
Webmail is one of the technology legacies that carries on for 25+ years for its handiness and accessibility anywhere you go. EVO takes this into account and integrates Roundcube Webmail for its plugin expandibility, easy maintenance, and ease-of-use. Best of all yet, password changer and CardDAV plugins are now available from EVO Mail Server.
64-bit windows
Though it takes over 10 years of evolution for 64-bit computing to become popular, improvements over CPU speed, RAM capacity and data feed width are worth of the wait. EVO allows you to utilize all the goodies in order to accomodate 1000+ users at the same time.
Mail-related ports
To properly run a mail server, mail-related ports must be opened in both Windows Firewall and NAT (or router). If any of the ports are not properly configured, EVO Mail Server will remind you and one single-click will configure Windows Firewall promptly. For NAT, please consult NAT or router's user manual to configure likewise.
Independent SSL certificate per domain
Every domain hosted by EVO Mail Server may have its independent CA-issued SSL certificate implemented. This SSL certificate installation makes SSL connections possible without any annoying SSL warning on mail client side.
TLS/SSL support
EVO Mail Server possesses strong and full support on both SSLv3 (for backward compatibility) and TLS v1.0, v1.1, v1.2 (v1.0 and v1.1 are also for backward compatibility) encryptions as well as PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) since various email client software applications have slightly difference of support to SSL/TLS encryption. Thus, users' email applications get to choose encryption options one way or another.
Outbound TLS
Outbound email messages from EVO Mail Server can be encrypbed by TLS and protected from eavesdropping and tampering. This outbound encryption feature is rarely seen. EVO offers you both inbound and outbound TLS encryption to protect your confidential messages.
TLS certificate authority
EVO offers CA feature to generate self-signed TLS certificate for basic SSL/TLS email delivery. Such certificate can also be sent to Internet CA signing provider and thus establish trust by other mail servers on Internet.
Client certificate authentication
Besides simply entering username and password, EVO gives another option of Client Certificate Authentication to enhance security level to access email messages. Client certificates can be issued within EVO and deployed to users through email with instructions attached to it.
Antivirus software integration
EVO utilizes ESET Antivirus software's command line tool feature to scan e-mail messages upon their arrival. If there is any issue, the e-mail will be held for further examination. All you need to do is installing the antivirus software and enable the integration by a simple mouse click.
Antispam mechanism
EVO Mail Server is equipped with several antispam mechanisms, including Spamhaus black listing, Sender Policy Framework, anti-password guessing, and graylisting. They are popular and widely spread solutions against spammings. Each of them can be individually turned on or off for facilitating your mail server's daily operation.
EVO Mail Server generates signature signed by your private key and provides public key that you can use to create DKIM record on DNS hosting. By checking signature against public key, mails from your mail server will be more reliable. Also, DMARC record can then be produced for recipient mail server to check, such as Gmail and Outlook.com.
LDAP or AD Authentication
With Linux Open LDAP or Windows Active Directory account synchronization, EVO Mail Server makes single-password-authentication possible and it is best for administrator to manage user's passwords. User no longer remember second set of password besides his or her Windows logon password.
Event driven
Administrator can use Filtrolysis to define from up to 3 user criteria that apply, 5 events, 34 content objects to filter out emails. Then up to 4 rules can be blended with AND or OR. The resulting email messages will be undergoing 21 pre-defined actions for further delivery schemes.
Content awareness
Email messages can be examined from head to toes to filter specific content or condition via Filtrolysis mechanism. Filtered results can be treated with various actions to fulfill your needs, such as postponing delivery or approval before delivery.
Unicode compatibility
EVO uses industry-standard of unicode to process email messages written in different languages. The advantage of this encode/decode scheme breaks language barriers. With this powerful message process algorithm, Filtrolysis decodes and converts every character of email messages into unicode highly improve content filtering accuracy. In other words, it is easier for administrators to design filtering rules for better filtering result.
Per domain delivery limitation
EVO Mail Server enables administrator to create rules limiting outgoing e-mails to certain domains. This will benefit marketing edm to be treated as junk e-mails by destination e-mail servers. Of course, we need to be aware of all bulk mail rules defined by each major mail server across Internet and follow them.
Real-time protocol monitor
Besides monitoring SMTP, IMAP and POP3 connections, delivery success, delivery failure, total inbound and outbound connections, delivery queue, cpu thread, and spammail count are displayed for reference. EVO also provides detailed lists for each parameter.
Success and failure email reports
Both successful and failed emailing events are jotted down in charts respectively in Monitor section. Logs are saved on a monthly basis for future reference.
Detailed Log
EVO keeps logs for every single incoming and outgoing email message for future reference.
Download EVO Mail Server Software for Windows.